viernes, marzo 30, 2012

El reto barefoot Sockwa y su dificultad/Nike -knit

gasoline (overhaulin' theme)

I am gasoline and matches

I turn everything to ashes

I am gasoline and matches

I turn everything to ashes

I'm Burning, I'm Learning

I'm Learning, yes, I'm learning

I give kerosene divorces

I light angel wings with torches

I give kerosene divorces

I light angel wings with torches

I'm Burning, I'm Learning

I'm Learning, yes, I'm learning

Life is good because I'm breathing

Hell is just a stage of grieving

You're an evil human being

Sorry if that hurt your feelings

I'm Burning, but I'm Learning

I am Gasoline, I am history

I am Gasoline, I am gone


el reto , su dificultad El reto de terminar el medio ironman de elche corriendo barefoot, con unas zapatillas Sockwa de menos de 100 grs, a menos de 6 min /km es muy difìcil de llevar a cabo, de hecho, nadie lo ha hecho nunca antes en españa ( que yo sepa )y en mi caso lo es màs por 10 razones :

1.- Nunca he corrido barefoot (pies descalzos ), lo que màs se aproxima a ello es la media maratòn de santa pola que corrì con zapatillas one many de decathlon y con plantillas one feel, pero con ellas iba mucho màs amortiguado que con las sockwa que no tienen ninguna amortiguaciòn .En santa pola fuì a 5 min /km rebajando en 5 min mi tiempo del año pasado.

2.- Tengo casi 64 años ( el 29 de abril los cumplo), no se recomienda en general , empezar a correr barefoot con èsa edad.

3.- Peso casi 80 kgs , para 1,71 m , es decir corro con màs de 10kgs de sobrepeso.

4.-El tiempo mìnimo de adaptaciòn que se recomienda para correr barefoot està entre 2 y 3 meses , yo lo voy a hacer en menos de 1 mes . Esto me podrìa producir fàcilmente lesionesque me impidieran participar.

5.- El ritmo de 6 min /km del reto es inferior al que he conseguido hacer en los ùltimos años en el triatlòn de elche . He terminado todos los triatlones de elche, hasta la fecha que son 6 ,siempre en el podio de mi grupo de edad, antes veterano 2 y ahora veterano 3.

6.- Nadie, que yo sepa, ha terminado nunca en españa un medio ironman barefoot.

7.-Las altas temperaturas del asfalto a mediodìa no puedes evitar que te lleguen a quemar el piè con sòlo 1,2 mm de suela y si mojas las zapatillas, puedes propiciar que te salgan ampollas.

8.- El recorrido del triatlòn de elche, no es sòlo por asfalto, se corre tambièn por tierra, piedras y arena. Al ser la suela tan delgada, las piedras pequeñas se clavan en la planta del piè y son muy dolorosas. tienes que bajar la velocidad y pisar màs con la puntera como si pisaras brasas.

9.-Cualquier cristal, trozo de metal o clavo puede cortar la suela y herirte, si pisas algo tan normal como una botella de plàstico puedes perder el equilibrio, con lo que tienes que controlar todas tus pisadas por ello no te puedes relajar en ningùn momento.

10.- Al correrse tan cerca de tu casa tienes a toda tu familia , amigos y conocidos pendientes de tu rendimiento. Por otro lado al hacer pùblico el reto en el foromtb hace que todo el mundo lo sepa , hay algunos, los menos, que estàn deseasdo que no lo consigas y si no eres fuerte mentalmente la presiòn sube y puedes cometer errores. .-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

NIKE Engineers Knit for Performance, 160 grs

February 22nd, 2012 |

Introducing NIKE FLYKNIT Technology

Lighter. Faster. Formfitting. Running revolutionized.This is Nike Flyknit technology.Coming this summer from Nike's Innovation Kitchen.

The Story Behind Nike FlyKnit Technology

Get the story behind the design process of the new Nike Flyknit technology.

Nike presentó una nueva zapatilla tejida como una media,Sumamente liviana y cómoda160 grs.. Fabricada en una sola pieza, llevó 4 años en diseñarse.

NIKE has engineered knit for performance to create running footwear that features only the essentials. Employing a new technology called Nike Flyknit, yarns and fabric variations are precisely engineered only where they are needed for a featherweight, formfitting and virtually seamless upper.With all the structure and support knitted in, the Nike Flyknit Racer’s upper and tongue weigh just 34 grams (1.2 ounces). The whole shoe weighs a mere 160g (5.6 ounces) for a size 9, which is 19% lighter than the Nike Zoom Streak 3, a shoe worn by first, second and third place athletes in the men’s marathon at the 2011 World Championships.

While reducing shoe weight is one aspect of helping runners, the Nike Flyknit upper is also engineered for a precision fit, creating a feeling of a second skin.An additional environmentally sustainable benefit to Nike Flyknit is that it reduces waste because the one-piece upper does not use the multiple materials and material cuts used in traditional sports footwear manufacture. Nike Flyknit is truly a minimalist design with maximum return.The inspiration for Nike Flyknit was born from the common runner feedback, craving a shoe with the qualities of a sock: a snug fit that goes virtually unnoticed to the wearer.

But all the features that make a sock desirable have proven to make them a bad choice for a running upper. An inherently dynamic material like yarn generally has no structure or durability.NIKE embarked on a four-year mission of micro-engineering static properties into pliable materials. It required teams of programmers, engineers and designers to create the proprietary technology needed to create the knit upper.The next steps were to map out where the specific yarn and knit structures were needed. Applying 40 years of knowledge from working with runners, NIKE refined the precise placement of support, flexibility and breathability – all in one layer.

The result is precision engineering in its purest form, performance on display. Every element has a purpose: resulting in one of the lightest, best fitting running shoes NIKE has ever made.The Nike Flyknit Racer is the marathon shoe that the world’s best runners from all over the world, including those from Kenya, Great Britain, Russia and the US will wear in this spring’s marathons and in London this summer.With the knowledge gained from working with the worlds best marathon runners, NIKE has also created an everyday running shoe, the Nike Flyknit Trainer+, which at 220 grams or 7.7 ounces, will bring the weight and fit benefits of Nike Flyknit to runners of all levels.

Both models will be available for all runners this coming July.Nike Flyknit will debut in a collection that celebrates the performance attributes of the technology, while at the same time hints at its future capabilities – HTM Flyknit. Learn more about the collection here.

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